A Gospel-hub in the center of Rome (ICED)
In the heart of the Italian nation’s capital, just down the road from the Colosseum and surrounded by government offices, world famous museums, and the largest Roman Catholic seminaries in the world, lies a hub for the biblical Gospel of grace. It exist to promote Gospel culture in the city of Rome and the nation of Italy.
Italy is in desperate need of a biblical reformation. Rome is the capital city of the nation and represents in many respects the heart of Italy and its people and culture. Impacting Rome will therefore result in open doors and opportunities to the rest of the country. By the grace of God since its beginning in 2010 the church Breccia di Roma has sought to be a catalyst for gospel renewal throughout the city. The preaching of the Word, an emphasis on church life and multiplication, evangelism, theological training and gospel-centered cultural events, mercy ministries to refugees and the poor … have all been and continue to be part of Breccia di Roma's strategy and vision to see the gospel transform Rome and its people. God has graciously provided the church and its initiatives with a space in the city center of Rome that will enhance our efforts and impact on the city. In 2017, for the first time in almost 100 years, a location was purchased by an evangelical organization in the city center of Rome. Below are ways we envision using this space for gospel renewal and transformation in Rome and beyond.

It is a permanent meeting place for the evangelical church Breccia di Roma. It is centrally and strategically located, providing a sounding board for the gospel to reverberate throughout the city.
Being home to our church and theological training it provides an effective springboard for promoting and launching church plants throughout the city where there is little to no gospel presence. In September of 2018, the first church planting work coming out of our church began. By God's grace and confirmation, nine of our members planted a new church in the neighborhood of San Paolo in south Rome. Home to 135,000 people there was previously no church that faithfully preached the biblical gospel. San Paolo is just the beginning. We are now focusing our efforts in 2, perhaps 3 new neighborhoods in the city of Rome.
It provides an ideal center for training leaders, church planters, and professionals to be gospel witnesses throughout the country. It has enabled the growth and impact of I.F.E.D. (Istituto di Formazione Evangelica e Documentazione - Institute of Evangelical Formation and Documentation) into the capital city of Italy. I.F.E.D. is key to the development, training and raising up of new leaders to impact Italy with the gospel. We are also a learning hub for Union School of Theology, offering European accredited degrees in theological studies.
It serves as a resource center for the Reformanda Initiative, an effort which was officially launched in 2015. The Reformanda Initiative exists to identify, unite, equip and resource evangelical leaders throughout the world to better understand Roman Catholic theology and practice in these confusing times and to educate the evangelical Church on how to better communicate the Gospel in such contexts.
After forming a legal entity (I.C.E.D), we were able to purchase a property that is centrally and strategically located in the city (just a short walk from the Colosseum and other main sites). It consists of a main room and a basement and is ideal for:
Sunday worship services (a capacity for about 60 people)
Church related activities and meetings
Outreach and evangelistic efforts for the many businessmen and women who work downtown
Cultural activities such as theological debates and apologetic dialogues
Art exhibitions and small acoustic concerts
Office space for both Breccia di Roma, I.C.E.D. and I.F.E.D. and Union School of Theology (Rome Learning Center)
Seminar/lecture space for the training of leaders and church planters
A theological library and resource center for seminarians and students