Your Support at Work

We wanted to share with you some of the ways the KKF has been able to serve God’s ministry in Italy thanks to His faithfulness and provisions through partners like you.

The KKF is in its third year. We are grateful for where the Lord has brought us and look forward to seeing where He is going to take us. Your contribution and involvement is, of course, essential to that! So again we thank you! Slowly but surely we are growing, and pray you will continue to be a part of what the Lord is doing in Rome and well beyond.

Thank you all so very much, and to God be the glory!

The Kyra Karr Foundation

2 Pastors Sponsored for the 2018 IFED Preaching Lab


The KKF was able to sponsor two pastors for the 2018 IFED Preaching Lab. These men have a desire to grow in their ability to serve the church and engage the lost through the preaching of God’s Word. This eighth edition of the preaching workshop took place from July 12-14 at the IFED theological training center in Padua. It was a rich and deep experience shared by over 40 participants during our three intense days together.

40 men! 40 men came together from the northern to southernmost parts of Italy because they believe in the living and active Word of God. They desire to communicate it properly so that the Gospel might transform the hearts of people in this broken country. Can you imagine what God could do if even a couple of these men went back to their cities and put into practice the things we are learning together?! Will you pray with me that we would get to find out?

3 Italians Sponsored for European Church Planting Conference


The KKF sent three Italians to the City 2 City church planting conference and will be able to cover all the costs. This is a tremendous blessing and a great service to the local church. It’s possible we’ll be sending additional participants as well.

This conference offers a unique opportunity to meet more than 700 European church planters, their leadership team members, pastors and others from dozens of cities across Europe.

Please pray for this conference, that the Italian participants will be encouraged, and that God would use it to produce fruit in the form of new Gospel-centered churches being planted with a healthy vision for engaging the city.

We are now on Instagram!

You can now follow the Kyra Karr Foundation on Instagram! Follow us to receive updates and to see what ministry looks like in the city of Rome!


A New Church Planted


Very Grateful