KKF Update 05.2023

Dear Supporters,

A quick note to share some exciting news, to update you on the ministry initiatives of the KKF, and to once again thank you for your much-appreciated prayers and support.

1. First, some happy news from the Shadle family. Thank you again for your prayers for Sydney and Daniel’s son Jax, who finished up his radiation and is cancer free! Praise the Lord for this great news. Please continue, however, to pray for Jax as he recovers from the months of heavy treatment, which to say the least takes its toll on a little guy. Thank you again for your prayers and keep them coming!  

Another happy news from the Shadle family is the arrival of their third child and second son, Knox Joseph Shadle, born on April 29th. Thankfully he and Sydney are doing well and are back home.  


2. Some other really exciting news. The electronic version of Cynthia Smith’s biography on Kyra’s life has just been released on Amazon! It is the fruit of many years of work and we are thankful for it. You can help by purchasing the e-version (only 99 cents right now!), by reading it, and by leaving a review. That will help the book get more exposure and traction. Thank you! Praise the Lord and may He use this book for His glory.

The book is called Kyra: A Life of Simple Surrender


3. Currently your generous financial gifts are contributing to ministry in Rome in important ways. Two women of our churches (Steppie Karr and Valeria Marzano) continue to pursue training in biblical counseling, which is a tremendous service to our churches. This Fall they, together with other members of our churches, will be presenting their studies and what they have learned through a series of presentations. Thank you very much for your support of this tremendously important initiative.

The online evangelical magazine Loci Communes, which we have shared about before, continues to be a valuable resource. It has proven to be an excellent avenue for engaging culture and current issues from an evangelical perspective. To date the LC website (www.locicommunes.it) has been visited over 277,000 times! Due to its traction we continue to explore ways to develop what we are calling Loci Communes 2.0, which will offer more content through more multi-media avenues. This will require resources of course, for which we thank you and ask you to continue giving generously as you have. Your gifts are being put to good use we assure you!


Please pray for our churches in Rome. Breccia di Roma is currently preaching through Luke. Breccia di Roma San Paolo through Philippians. And Breccia di Roma Prati through James. Pray for the churches to grow and to see conversions and to have wisdom in engaging the city and neighborhoods in which we live and work and minister.  

Again, thank you so much. And as always, to God be the glory!

The KKF Team


Update from the Kyra Karr Foundation 05.2024


Update on Jax Shadle